
Roof Safety Tips for Holiday Decorating

November is the month that many begin decorating for the holidays.
NRE - Roof Ready for Santa

‘Tis the season to be festive! November is the month that many begin decorating for the holidays. As you prepare to decorate, here are a few roof safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Plan Ahead – Decorate in the daylight and be sure to leave yourself enough time to complete the job before the sun goes down. Before adding decorations to your roof, it’s a good idea to layout your decorations on the ground relative to where they will be placed on the roof. This will reduce the time you spend walking on your roof deciding where to put the decorations. We always suggest reading the instructions on new decorations and inflatables.
  • Less is More – Debating on how many decorations to add to your roof? Opt for less as it will minimize the chances of blowing a fuse and save on your electric bill. A few decorations strategically placed will also look more “put together” compared to placing many decorations at random.
  • Select the Best Lights – First, consider using LED lights as they’re more durable than incandescent light bulbs and will also save on your electric bill. Choose lights with an Underwriters Laboratory (UL) approved label. Double-check that you’re using outdoor lights and not lights that are only safe for indoor usage.
  • Inspect Your Lights and Decorations – Check for damaged lights, sockets, bare wires, and anything that could cause fire or shock. Also, see if the lights properly connect and work together when plugged into the electrical socket outside – not an extension cord inside your home – which could shock you when plugging in the lights. We suggest only plugging outdoor decorations into outlets protected by Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) to prevent shock.
  • Use the Correct Ladder your ladder is an important element to safely decorating your roof, so make sure it’s in good shape and sturdy. It’s safer to use a wooden or fiberglass ladder when working with electricity, instead of a metal one. The ladder should also extend three feet over the roofline where you’ll be hanging lights. Verify children and pets are not a threat to your ladder’s positioning or in danger of the ladder falling on them as well.
  • Going Out of Town? Consult Your Neighbors – If you haven’t already exchanged contact information, do it before heading out of town in case something happens regarding your decorations or your home in general. Be cautious of what decorations you leave on a timer such as inflatables that can get shut off by the wind or blown away.

No one wants to visit the ER, especially during the holidays. Stay safe while getting in the holiday spirit.

Shopping for a new roof this holiday season? Contact your South Florida roofing experts! In business for nearly 25 years and serving Davie to Palm Beach and beyond…our team will help you find the roofing solution to meet your home’s needs. Contact us at (954) 236-9986.

Happy holidays from your friends at Native Roofing!


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