
Spring Clean Your Roof

To keep your roof in peak condition, we outline our roof spring cleaning tips for Florida homeowners below: set aside a few hours this spring

When springtime rolls around, it makes perfect sense to look to landscaping and exterior home improvement projects. After all, the weather is inviting and the ideal time of year to complete outdoor projects. One mistake many homeowners make however is NOT taking the time to give their roof a seasonal inspection during this time.

To keep your roof in peak condition, we outline our roof spring cleaning tips for Florida homeowners below – set aside a few hours this spring to ensure your roof is ready for Florida’s impending summer weather.

Examine Your Roof – Your first step should be to examine your roof from the ground. Walk around your home and look for any signs of wear and tear, moisture, or mildew. Get up on the roof for a closer look if you’re comfortable and able to do so safely. If you have a shingle roof, check for loose, buckling, or missing shingles. Are any shingles missing granules, worn or damaged? Pay particular attention to chimneys, pipes, and flashing for loose or missing pieces. Also, if an area of the roof stays damp for too long, algae and fungus can start to form. If it is not treated, it can eat through the roof and cause damage.

Jot down any signs of roof damage or vulnerability to share with a reputable roofing contractor in your area.

Now’s also a good time to note any tree branches hanging over the roofline that will need to be trimmed back later.

Inspect Your Attic – After you’ve examined your roof from the outside of your home, your next step should be to look at it from the attic if easily accessible. Any signs of light entering from the outside could mean you have a hole in your roof, a potential source for leaks, especially when it begins to rain more in the late spring and summer months. Any water stains on the underside of the sheathing should also be checked.

Review the Inside of Your Home – This could be as simple as doing a walkthrough of each room, looking for anything suspicious on the ceilings and walls. When water enters your home through your roof, other parts of your home such as your walls become much more susceptible to mold, mildew, and premature rotting.  

Clean Gutters and Downspouts – Between birds, squirrels, the weather, and other Florida elements, gutters can collect large amounts of debris including leaves and twigs. If debris clogs your gutters and downspouts, rainwater can then overflow causing structural damage to the roof. Gutters full of water are heavy, which can cause them to pull away from the roof and fall off.

Make a point to clean your gutters and downspouts a few times a year, the springtime being one of them. During the Fall and Winter months, gutters often acquire plenty of leaves and other debris. After clearing the debris, rinse out the gutters with a garden hose.

Trim Overhanging Tree Branches – Another step to spring cleaning your roof is trimming tree branches which can scrape against the roof and damage shingles or structural parts of the roof. Trimming branches also prevents the roof from getting too much shade and moisture, which can result in mold or fungus growth.

As part of proper roof maintenance, you will want to trim any neighboring tree branches which pose a threat to your roof. Most neighbors should be understanding of the fact you’re only trimming the limbs back to avoid any future destruction.

Hire a Trusted Roofing Contractor – Lastly, use the spring months to schedule a roof inspection if you find damages or would rather have professionals complete the first three tips. Rely on referrals from family and friends or your local Better Business Bureau or Chamber websites. With a little research, you should be able to find a qualified roofing contractor to take care of your roofing needs.

Though Native Roofing operates in the South Florida area, our tips to spring clean your roof generally apply to homeowners across the country. We may endure more rain and moisture during the summer months here in Florida than in most states, but it’s always advised to inspect your roof, clean your gutters, keep trees maintained no matter your location.

With over 10,000 roof inspections throughout our 25 years in business, we’ll have your roof repaired in no time. Don’t delay your roof repairs – contact us today at 954-236-9986 or visit our website for more information on our experience, services, and how we can contribute to your “spring clean your roof” project.

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Palm Beach (561) 469-7930 |  Broward (954) 236-9986  | solutions@nativeroofing.com

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